Your Airport is

2020 Oklahoma Asphalt Pavement Association Award Winner for Airports

2020 Oklahoma Asphalt Pavement Association Award Winner for Airports

2020 Oklahoma Asphalt Pavement Association Runner-Up Award Winner for Airports

2020 Oklahoma Asphalt Pavement Association Award Winner for Airports
A locally-owned firm located at Stillwater Regional Airport, we are the state's only full-time airport consultants. Airports are our only business.
Our firm offers unique advantages to those seeking professional airport consulting services. Established in 1978, we have served more than 70 airports, with more than 500 different projects. We offer the expertise of a large firm, yet still provide the one-on-one relationship you would expect from a small firm.

Oklahoma Aeronautical Chart- Each Blue Dot Represents an Oklahoma Airport LBR Has Worked.